
简介:Pop Britannia explores our flair for pop, our fascination with finding our own pop voice and our obsession with style and the imagery of empire and nationhood.In the early 60s, British pop music ruled the world. Even America had to admit defeat. For the first time since the war, Britain was the best at something.In 1963, Britain went pop. The architects of this revolution were a group of managers and producers - starmakers who turned the world upside down.For the last 30 years British pop has been locked in a constant struggle between the forces of art and commerce. That struggle has both fuelled and crippled our pop artists.…


  • 第02集
  • 中央电视台]综合频道,CCTV-4美洲完结
  • 已完结
  • 深圳都市频道已完结
  • 第7集
  • 更新至07集
  • 已完结
  • 已完结
